Friday, September 23, 2011

tApiOca LovErs

okay~ dis time sy nak share 1 makanan yg sgt SPECIAL . .
this food is called "fried tapioca with ice cream" . .
yummy3~ :3 hehe anyway, makanan ni of course la ubi kayu kan . .
korang mesti terbayangkan ubi kayu rebus tu kan ?
sebenarnya, ubi kayu tu direbus+dilenyek kan . .
then, dicampurkan dgn gula and dibentukkan mcm burger . . :)
lastly, dicelup dgn tepung - mcm pisang goreng . .
digorengkan and dihidang bersama dgn aiskrim vanilla~
WOW ! mesty korang nak tau kan bentuknya cmane ? ;)
:: haa . . ni la bentuknya~ ::

hehehe sory la pic xcomey anew coz da makan bru la tringat nak snap pic ni . . :) apa2 pun, makanan ni sy makan at Restoran Rasamas atas Giant, Kuala Terengganu . .
ade lg makanan lain yg sedap mcm sambal sotong tp xambik la pulak pic tadi . . ==' huhuhu air yg sangat SPECIAL at restoran ni air vanilla oreo koolerz . . pelik kan ?? :) tapi sedaaaap~
hehehe thanx to my mama coz introduce this food to me . .
and law bley nak try kot buat sendiri . . :3
so, apa lg guys ?? nak try ?? makan la at restoran tu kay ??
cam promote lak~ ==' hehehe okay, that's all for today . .
see u guys in the next story from me; Lizan's Daughter~
:) t8 care my friends ::

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