Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New One But An Old One

Okay . . This title may look awkward~~ =='
horr lerr . . a new one but an old one ??
hehehe sebenarnya . .
blog2 ni dah lame arr sy buad . .
tp bru skrg laa aktif na post2 ni coz excited tgk org laen buad . .
anyway, insya-Allah in this blog I will post about my restless life . .
or maybe any important events in my life . .
apa2pun . . plz remind me not to use bad words~ o_0
coz sy pom manusia biase gak . .
::thx to my fb friends who has inspired me so much in making this blog again::
~owh and plz get 2 know me first b4 u judge about me~
b4 I end this post, plz do follow my blog kay :)
insya-Allah I will always update my blog . .
and below my pic, I already paste some details about me . .
plz do survey my blog always okay . .
okay guys, that's all~ t8 care my friends . . ^_^
Siti Hajar Bt Mohd Lizan
23 November 1994
born in the state of Kuala Lumpur
lives in Kuala Terengganu recently
wants to be an accountant
loves my mama first
then my papa
then my nenek
then my sisters
then my bf
and last but not least; my friends :)


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